Holiday celebrations are usually centered around food, but for many struggling families, it can be a difficult time. For the 4th year in a row, Erie FCU is extremely proud to offer our “Give Hope – Feed the Need” campaign in support of local hunger awareness and food assistance. This year, $30,000 was distributed to these 10 Erie area organizations: Meals On Wheels Erie, The Salvation Army Erie, PA, Emmaus Soup Kitchen, Community of Caring , St. Martin Center, Inc., Erie Martin Luther King Center, Home House of Erie Food Pantry, Lake Erie Food Rescue, Edinboro Food Pantry and North East Food Pantry. Each of these amazing organizations received a $3,000 check to be used for programs affiliated with supplying meals, nourishment and warm companionship to families and individuals who will be affected this winter. As a community partner,
Erie FCU believes that no one should be hungry. Together, we can make a difference!
#fighthunger #givehope #feedtheneed #eriefcu #bekind